Recycling Content

Creating quality content in a scalable way is key when growing your social media channels.
The problem: Content creation can be very a time-consuming job.

Recycling content is one of the best ways to save time and still deliver high-quality content to your audience.

Why recycle content?

Here are 3 key reasons to recycle content:

  1. It is easier to keep a constant flow of content.
  2. There will always be new followers who might miss some of the previously posted content.
  3. Re-use of historically well-performing content, will, with a little twist increase the chances of success again.

How often can the same content be recycled?

The optimal interval between recycling posts depends on the intent and content.

More forthcoming content marketing might require more frequent reuse of the same material, and thus the interval can be shorter than, for instance, tips and tricks on technology or product reviews.

Content on social media flows fast.
Most content is there for minutes and hours and more viral posts linger on for a few days up to a few weeks.

A rule of thumb is not to recycle the same post within 2-3 weeks.
When using FeedHive to recycle content, it will evaluate if it is too soon and guide a good decision for when the post should be recycled.

Although, in the end, it is up to the creator and their strategy.

Recycle variants not clones

"Repetition without variation is boring"

It is good practice to recycle variants of your original post, instead of merely cloning it.

Change a few sentences or making some additions and improvements based on the feedback or discussion from the original post is a good way to add variety and add quality to your recycled post.

Loyal readers and followers will notice when the exact same content is reposted.
Recycling the exact same content looks lazy and leaves a bad impression. This is also the reason why FeedHive doesn't have "Evergreen" posts. We don't believe in reposting the same content on repeat.

Instead, we believe in content recycling as a concience part of your marketing strategy.

Recycle suggestions

FeedHive will look through your historical posts and serve suggestions on posts that are particularly well-suited to be recycled.

We are using AI behind the scenes to make this determinition, hence, the suggestion can be relevant for multiple reasons.

It could be that a post performed really well in the past, and that it's long enough since it was published, that it is predicted to do well again if recycled.

It could also be a post from more recent past that did not do very well, but reminds of other posts that did.
FeedHive's AI might predict that you were simply "unlucky" with the external factors that day, and that reposting might give it the attention it deserves.

So these suggestions are based on multiple reasons, but of course, they are simply suggestions.
As a social media marketer, you are the one in full control. You are not limited to FeedHive's suggestions, hence, you can search through any of your historic posts and recycle them with a click of a button.

If you go to the Assets page and pick the Recycle Suggestions menu you will see posts appear under different categories.
Top Performers and Underdogs are escpecially interesting. They allow you to find recycle suggestions among your previously best performing posts, but it also shows posts that FeedHive's AI believe could perform quite well, but for some reason, didn't at the time they were published.

The recycle history

FeedHive's recycle history help you make better recycling decisions by showing you a history of all the variants that originated from the same post together with a date of when they were posted.

That way you can better plan for when you want to recycle a piece of content again and see what changes other variants have and what get new ideas of what to change now.

The node represents a previously recycled variant of a post and is visualized with a recycle icon. The Core icon represents the root node, which is the original post the other variants have been created from.

The time associated with a specific node is when that post was last posted from FeedHive. If you click on one of the notes it will take you to that specific post in the editor.

Whats next

Empowering our users to create scalable quality content has always been our goal, so content creators, brands, and businesses can keep their audiences engaged every day - effortlessly.

If there are things you would like to see on the recycle feature , then don't hesitate to reach out.

We are working on more features to help you recycle and plan your content even better.